EYHA Treasurer Vacancy

In addition to the Board Positions open for election this year, the EYHA Board will also be appointing a new Treasurer. The EYHA extends many thanks to Laurie Long for her years of service in the role!

The EYHA Treasurer is appointed by the Board of Directors, serves a two-year term, and can be re-appointed to additional two-year terms. Any EYHA member interested in serving as the EYHA Treasurer should email their name and a brief bio to EYHApres@gmail.com and EYHAsec@gmail.com. The deadline to submit applications is February 16th, 2025. The newly appointed Treasurer will assume the role at the April 2025 board meeting.

The Treasurer has charge, custody, and responsibility for all funds and
securities of the corporation; receives and gives receipts for monies due and payable to the
corporation from any source and deposits all such monies in the name of the corporation in
such banks, trust companies or other depositories as will be selected in accordance with the provisions of the EYHA bylaws. At least once a year, as the Board may designate, the Treasurer gives a full and complete financial report of the corporation and, in general, performs all duties incident to the office of Treasurer.