Board of Directors Annual Nominations
It's time for the annual EYHA Board of Directors open position notification. The positions up for election this year are VP of Travel, Coaching Director, Registrar, Scheduler, Marketing Director, At-Large House Rep. No. 1, and At-Large Travel Rep. No. 2. Incumbents who are interested in retaining their positions as well as EYHA members interested in joining the board need to email and expressing what position(s) they are applying for. Emails should include the applicants name and a brief bio. The deadline to submit applications is February 16th, 2025.
Any opening with more than one candidate will participate in an online EYHA member vote, with the candidate receiving the majority of the votes being elected to the position. Essential functions of the open positions are detailed below and full descriptions can be found in the EYHA By-Laws ( All positions will serve 2-year terms. Elections will be the first week in March, and elected individuals will assume their roles at the April 2025 board meeting.
Vice President of Travel: The Vice President of Travel is responsible for overseeing the operation of the Travel program. Included in this role is the coordination and management of the EYHA’s participation in the Southern Youth Travel Hockey League, or other organized league that the EYHA may from time to time be a participant in. The VP of Travel along with At Large Travel Representatives will establish, promote and manage continuous development programs for established players.
Coaching Director: The Coaching Director establishes requirements for coaches and is responsible for the recruitment of coaches for both house and travel programs. Coaching Director duties include the appointment or removal of coaches subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, the training and enhancement of coaching staff, the recruitment of individuals to assist in the evaluation of house players, and the formation of such rules and regulations as are necessary for promoting a common style of play for all age groups.
Registrar: The Registrar is responsible along with the Vice Presidents for the registration of teams, players, and coaches with USA Hockey or similar organizations. The Registrar is the principal contact with USA Hockey and other affiliated leagues regarding registration issues. The Registrar manages the completion of SafeSport Training of Adult Participants as required by USA Hockey, and also manages the background checks of all officers and coaches.
Scheduler: The Scheduler is responsible for submitting and confirming all ice and facility requests of the EYHA with Swonder Ice Arena. The Scheduler works hand-in-hand with Swonder and the Greater Evansville Figure Skating Club to coordinate ice-time and other facility use scheduling.
Marketing Director: The Marketing Director is responsible for promoting EYHA programs, recruiting players at all age levels, and communicating information about EYHA to members and the community, this includes through the creation and strategic dissemination of marketing information about the EYHA. The Marketing Director also maintains the EYHA website and assists in procuring corporate and individual sponsorships for the House and Travel programs. The Marketing Director also assists in coordination of EYHA participation in community functions.
At-Large House Representative No. 1: Represents the House program on issues that come before the EYHA Board. Assists the Vice President of House in organizing, managing, and running the house program, including High School Hockey and Spring Hockey. At large house representatives are non-voting board positions.
At-Large Travel Representative No. 2: Represents the Travel program on issues that come before the EYHA Board. Assists the Vice President of Travel in organizing, managing, and running the travel program. At large travel representatives are non-voting board positions.